African attire has long been a big part of
our culture. From the flamboyant Nigerian women to ladies in Lusaka who live by
it, growing up I didn’t quite understand it or realize that African attire could look
so fierce and chic. I shunned it for a long time; perhaps it was my obnoxious
nature or my upbringing that put me off – whatever it was – if Riri wasn't rocking
it – I wasn't going to either. With the rise of fashion blogging; my mind was
opened up to different aesthetics and Afro – chic was one of them. – seeing
younger women rocking African print dresses, skirts, pants you name it inspired
me. Problem was I was still afraid to
take the leap because it wasn't particularly my style and I wasn't sure how those around me would react to it.... However, you know what they say - you never know till you try. Material in hand - I took the leap and I've come to appreciate and love it.....From my base going forward - I totally endorse it!!!!!!!

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