Thursday, October 29, 2015

Celebrating Summer

Celebrating Summer  

This summer has been quite hectic so far. With the heat wave which had most people downing litres of water a few weeks ago (not that water is a bad thing - it's really good for your skin), we can all agree, it has been blazing hot. However, that doesn't mean you have to stop having fun- there’s so much you can get up to. "Stay slaying" is the term used by modern day fashionista's whatever the weather's like. 

Summer is a great time to drink mocktails, eat some watermelon and have a great sesh with the girls. It's an even better to time to take a road trip with your friends or Him and take a dip in a pool somewhere; where you can be free from the fast-paced city life.

So how does a Harare girl really celebrate summer?  Its nights out dancing with that cute guy you've been crushing on (could be a new flame or your main bae, who says you ain’t still crushing?)

Its feeling refreshed after a long jog – (whipping that body in shape)...

It’s Belly dancing on a Tuesday night – (Hollywood Lee, we see you girl –werk)

Its Sunday musical events like Unplugged Zimbabwe, packed out shows that include an international artist like Busy Signal – more are coming, - life in Zim is what you make it –there’s always something happening somewhere, you just have to keep your eyes open.

Its fashion shows with the girls –getting to know the who’s who in the industry and what to wear and what not to wear. (Sometimes designers can get it so wrong too)

It’s buying yourself those heels you’ve been eyeing all month, breaking into them at a friend’s party and the compliments keep coming. It’s finally finding the perfect pair of jeans and wearing them a thousand times. 

Its date night in a cute dress, afternoon ice-cream in that snap skirt and days at the lake in short shorts.

It’s spending time with family – the shouting, laughing and crying – now that never gets old.

Lastly it’s chasing that paper, not by the means you think but actually maintaining your 8-5 job even when your boss drives you up the wall or working on building your own Empire (In walks Cookie- they must know who you are).

You celebrate summer how you want to, it’s your life, your will so do YOU....

Share with me in the comments section how you celebrate summer.