Thursday, March 10, 2016

Mastering my period

This isn’t an expert piece it’s a personal one. I know I’m not the only one but I wish I could wish that time of the month away – not only are my emotions all over the place – it can hurt quite a bit - okay a lot – can’t go to work or move my legs a lot.

Here’s my roundup of how I try to manipulate the next few days of my life to make it bearable at least. When the pain comes knocking getting cosy with a hot water bottle tends to soothe and bring comfort to but doesn’t quite make me forget what’s really going on.

Drinking loads of water is highly recommended because it decreases the chances of water retention which makes cramps all the more painful and causes bloating – something no one wants more of.  Which personally is a great reason for me to drink more water – I love water so this is not a really a problem for me.

Such is life
The more sugar I take the more it seems that my emotions get out of whack – I’m fatigued enough already but the sugar that I crave makes me restless and I just don’t know what to do. I read somewhere that salt and sugar intake must be minimised a few days before your period and during your period so you can go through it as smoothly as possible. I’m yet to discover if this works because I’m still currently battling the cravings and I almost always give in so better luck next month.

A few more zits didn’t hurt anyone? Yeah, right – I’m prone to even more breakouts during this period (lol period – period). Avoiding dairy and caffeine is recommended the days leading to the period, I do my best to ensure that I wash my face with a daily salicylic acid cleanser  5 days prior to my  period as a preventative measure. And I don’t skip your evening cleansing sessions. Well in most cases. In a number of instances various contraceptive pills were prescribed to me by the doctor to keep PMS in check and the symptoms like crazy breakouts – I totally ignored the doctor’s orders because let’s face it to constantly take pills is kind of annoying.  By now you’ve figured I’m a rule breaker and I encourage everyone to find what their comfortable with lest you get mastered and not the other way round.

I do however; take Mefenamic acid used to treat mild to moderate menstrual pain, starting 2 days prior to the onset of flow and continuing for the duration of period. It does wonders and before I know it I’m dancing and running all over the place – ah yes – I’m free!!!! – At times I forget to take it prior but as soon as it starts – I grab something to eat and take them. You can get them over the counter however, it’s always best to consult your pharmacist or doctor before taking them because what works for me might not work for you.

If all else fails a packet of jelly tots, a comfy bed and a good movie will get me through and lest I forget foot rubs during this time are the best...

Have a happy period...wink


  1. OKAY eeeeeuw!!!! groooose
    If you want to reduce the acid from the brufen and mefenamic acid, you can take Magnesium... I dunno how it does it... it works so much and reduces the pain and reliance on pain med...
    I have PTracker app that you can use to plan taking the supps day before..
    for me hot water bottle at work seems so i use gigantic pads cuz they cheaper and wear looser clothes, the bloat is real

  2. This is the worst period (lol) of any month. I wish i could also take pills but if i do it always lasts longer ... hot water bottle is my bestfriend during this time.Foot rubs are the best! �� but then comes ovullation ������ Lawd Jesus!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sugar is not my friend during that time of the month and yes, water actually does more wonders to the pain. I used to take mefenamic but switched to propain and OTC painkillers.

  5. I am not sure I was supposed to read this?!!!

  6. I am not sure I was supposed to read this?!!!

  7. Me and periods have a love-hate relationship, when it comes, I'm all hormonal and cranky and don't get me started on the PAIN!!!(Myprodol is my BFF now, works wonders) but when it doesn't come, I start thinking, is everything alright down there? will I be able to have babies in future?(history of cysts and fibroids) The period struggle continues...
