Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Relearning to love black hair

Black hair has long been a hot topic, and has personally been a love and hate relationship for me. Firstly because I have found mine so difficult to maintain – probably because I had not been introduced to the right products and had not taken the time to understand what works and doesn’t work for my hair. This is still under construction though. As I’ve taken a break from weaves – I ‘m on a journey of relearning to love my black hair. It’s been fun and a host of the people who have seen me – have showered me with compliments. I’ve realized with the right products, attention and care – it’s not as unmanageable as I thought. It also boils down to how creative you are with it as well. I have now chosen to not take my hair too seriously and have fun with it. Today I’ve used extensions to achieve this braided cornrow look. I am becoming quite the fan of this look - last time I had two plaited lines today their four. Thanks to my hairdresser for hooking me up.

1 comment:

  1. Our hair is a bit difficult to maintain especially in its natural state. But personally think that is the beauty of it. Love the conrows.
